1 |
Student Name: Bhatera Jyudith Anupambhai
Guide Name: Dr N M Kantaria [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: Awareness Use and Attitude of Library Professionals towards Social Media Applications in GTU Affiliated College Libraries
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-07-2016 |
2 |
Student Name: Patel Mahendra Mansukhlal
Guide Name: Dr N M Kantaria [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: A Study of Reading Interest of College Students Affiliated to Saurashtra University
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-07-2016 |
3 |
Student Name: Jadav Jayeshkumar Nanjibhai
Guide Name: Dr N M Kantaria [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: A survey of User Awareness and Use of Electronic Journals in Universities of Gujarat
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-07-2016 |
4 |
Student Name: Ramani Bharatkumar Bavabhai
Guide Name: Dr N M Kantaria [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: Use of ICT in College Libraries of Gujarat State: A Study
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-07-2016 |
5 |
Student Name: Gohil Ghanshyamsinh Sardarsinh
Guide Name: Dr N M Kantaria [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: A study of Attitude of Library and Information Science Students of Gujarat State towards Library Profession
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-07-2016 |
6 |
Student Name: Bathani Hiteshkumar Parasotambhai
Guide Name: Dr N M Kantaria [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: User Study of CeRA in Agricultural Universities of Gujarat State
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-07-2016 |
7 |
Student Name: Sondarva Bharatkumar Hirabahi
Guide Name: Dr J P Gondalia [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: Awareness and Usage of Open Access Resources on the Internet in the Special Context of Medical College Libraries of Gujarat State: A Study
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-01-2013 |
8 |
Student Name: Raval Nita Prakashchandra
Guide Name: Dr J P Gondalia [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: A Study of Organizational Technological and Societal Factors Affecting Information Needs of Faculty Members of Saurashtra University Affiliated Colleges
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-01-2013 |
9 |
Student Name: Dodiya Indira Naranbhai
Guide Name: Dr J P Gondalia [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: Usability of DBMS Complement with Open Archives Initiative: Protocol for Metadata Harvesting in India: A Study
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-01-2013 |
10 |
Student Name: Solanki Maheshkumar Ramjibhai
Guide Name: Dr J P Gondalia [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: N-LIST Programme for College Libraries Affiliated to Saurashtra University: Problems and Prospects
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-01-2013 |
11 |
Student Name: Joshi Namrata Rajendrababu
Guide Name: Dr J P Gondalia [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: Awareness and Use of UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium E-Resources in Universities of Gujarat State
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-01-2013 |
12 |
Student Name: Ramani Vithal Jivabhai
Guide Name: Dr J P Gondalia [Guide is from a college]
Title of Thesis: The Problems in Using ICT for Managing Libraries of Colleges Affiliated to Saurashtra University- A Study
Subject: Library & Information Science/ Arts
01-01-2013 |