Cent er Of Excellence
“Center of Excellence” is the only state of art facility. Which is managed by state university, Saurashtra University. Purpose of this facility is to serve as a technology developer and provider which help new entrepreneurs to establish their new Pharma manufacturing facility to meet with global standard and compete China and other competitors.
“To strengthen the instrumentation support for the drug development process at Saurashtra University and also helping instrument analysis for the small manufacturing pharma enterprises in and around the region of Saurashtra”
- To establish a National Facility for Drug Discovery through New Chemical Entities (NCE’s) Development & Instrumentation Support to Small Manufacturing Pharma enterprises at Saurashtra University, Rajkot to cater to regional needs in focused area of NCE’s for drug discovery.
- To strengthen current synthetic capabilities in highly focused area of small heterocyclic and other synthetic molecules to cater need of various research organizations, pharma industries and institutes using expertise & capabilities acquired from past experience.
- To cater needs of academics, small pharma companies, research institutions and industrial belt of western coast region of Saurashtra-Kutch in particular(Gujarat) and in general strengthening current instrumentation facility as well as by acquiring new sophisticated instruments like XRD-DSC (coupled-first time in India), NMR, CHNS Analyzer, TGA-DTA, UPLC, Headspace GC etc.
- To train post graduate and research students to generate human resource in new synthetic methodologies, analytical sophisticated instrumentation and also in other frontier areas at par with those in premier research and academic institutions within country as well as abroad.

The goal of the CoE is to prepare the next generation of medical leaders to address the health issues of a diverse society and make this Saurashtra region self-dependent on Human Resource.
Many small, medium and large Pharmaceutical companies in Gujarat & other places have benefited by CoE facility. Ultra‐modern sophisticated instrument facility is created during project tenure and made functional for optimum use as most of all instruments were made functional at Department of Chemistry, Saurashtra University.
Entire New Building is constructed by Public Private Partnership model with the help of Philanthropist and Saurashtra University’s own development fund was mobilized.