The Department of Library & Information Science offers professional degree programs under the Faculty of Arts. Established in 1976, as a self finance unit, it started offering Bachelors degree in Library Science. After the first syllabus review in 1985 nomenclature of the programme was changed to Bachelor of Library & Information Science [B.Lib.I.Sc] and from 1987 a PG programme was introduced as Master in Library & Information Science [M.Lib.I.Sc]. The present intake capacity of regular seats is 25 and 12 respectively in Bachelor and Master level programmes, which are now offered on CBCS mode. 3 and 2 seats respectively in both the programmes are additionally offered on payment bases. Doctoral Programme in Library & Information Science is also offered now, as per the current UGC Regulation. The department has been producing skilled professionals, who are in much demand in all types of libraries viz. academic, public and special libraries in the Saurashtra region and in the state as well. We have an alumni base of 1000 plus professionals placed in various capacities in the libraries all over the state and in the other parts of the country as well. At present the department has a team of one full time and four visiting faculty members. It is one of the fortunate departments in Gujarat which has its own independent building, besides a well equipped computer laboratory, with access to Wi-Fi Campus and high speed Internet connection for faculty, two LCD projector equipped class rooms and an ever growing departmental library. Teaching in the department is learner centric, based on modern teaching aids and use of a balanced mix of contemporary methodologies like seminars, assignments, tutorials, study tours, hands –on – practical training, self learning, etc. Continuous monitoring and assessment is integral part of the evaluation system. The department has conducted a number of Refresher Courses for LIS professionals in this region. The major thrust areas of research are Information needs & seeking behavior, Management of Libraries & Information Centers, Library classification & cataloguing, Library surveys & User surveys, Information technology applications, Computerization of Libraries, Reading habits & Reading interest studies, Academic librarianship, Bibliographic studies, and Citation Analysis. The department aims to provide the best of all it has, to enrich learning experience of the students who joins various programmes in the department and become one of our Team DLIS.